2021年5月20日 星期四

讀書心得 - C++ Primer (5th Edition) - Chapter 4 (2) - Type Conversions

Type Conversions

  • Implicit Conversions
    型別轉換,大部分轉換都是看是否能轉換成 int,例如 char, bool, 和 short。
        bool      flag;   char           cval;
        short     sval;   unsigned short usval;
        int       ival;   unsigned int   uival;
        long      lval;   unsigned long  ulval;
        float     fval;   double         dval;
        3.14159L + 'a'; //  'a' promoted to int, then that int converted to long double
        dval + ival;    //  ival converted to double
        dval + fval;    //  fval converted to double
        ival = dval;    //  dval converted (by truncation) to int
        flag = dval;    //  if dval is 0, then flag is false, otherwise true
        cval + fval;    //  cval promoted to int, then that int converted to float
        sval + cval;    //  sval and cval promoted to int
        cval + lval;    //  cval converted to long
        ival + ulval;   //  ival converted to unsigned long
        usval + ival;   //  promotion depends on the size of unsigned short and int
        uival + lval;   //  conversion depends on the size of unsigned int and long
  • Explicit Conversions
    用於我們想明確地強制將 object 轉換為其他類型。cast-name\(expression)。(const相關文章1, const相關文章2)
        // static_cast 最常用的 cast-name
        // cast used to force floating-point division
        double slope = static_cast<double>(j) / i;
        // const_cast 用來改變 low-level const (point to const)
        const char *pc;
        char *p = const_cast<char*>(pc); // ok: but writing through p is undefinedc
        // reinterpret_cast 對其 operand 進行 low-level bit 的重新解釋
        // 要很理解其型別的 bit 組成才會使用
        int *ip;
        char *pc = reinterpret_cast<char*>(ip);
cast 基本上就是擾亂型別,建議能不使用就不使用。

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