Library - vector
vector 是物件的集合,集合裡的物件都是同一 type,且每個物件都有 index 可以用找到該物件。vector 也是 container 和 class template 的一種。
vector<int> ivec; // ivec holds objects of type int vector<Sales_item> Sales_vec; // holds Sales_items vector<vector<string>> file; // vector whose elements are vectors
vector<int> ivec; // initially empty // give ivec some values vector<int> ivec2(ivec); // copy elements of ivec into ivec2 vector<int> ivec3 = ivec; // copy elements of ivec into ivec3 vector<string> svec(ivec2); // error: svec holds strings, not ints vector<int> ivec(10, -1); // ten int elements, each initialized to -1 vector<string> svec(10, "hi!"); // ten strings; each element is "hi!"
push_back 會在 run time 的時候執行,會加 object 到 container 的最後端
vector<int> v2; // empty vector for (int i = 0; i != 100; ++i) v2.push_back(i); // append sequential integers to v2 // at end of loop v2 has 100 elements, values 0 . . . 99
v.empty() // Return true if v is empty; otherwise return false. v.size() // Return the number of elements in v. v.push_back(t) // And an element with value t to end of v. v[n] // Return a reference to the element at position n in v v1 = v2 // Replaces the elements in v1 with a copy of the elements in v2 v1 = {a,b,c...} // Replaces the elements in v1 with a copy of the elements in the comma-separated list v1 == v2 // v1 and v2 are equal if they have same number of elements and each v1 != v2 // element in v1 is equal to the corresponding element in v2
Library - iterators
雖然使用者可以用 [n] (subscripts) 來取得 string 或 vector 的 element。但有一個更通用的用法也就是 iterator。
不像 pointer 不是用 address-of operator 來獲取 iterator,有些型別本身就有成員回傳 iterator。典型就是行別有成員 begin 和 end。begin 指向第一個 element,而 end 指向的是 container 的"結束",也就是說當 container 的 element 數量為 0 時,begin == end。
// the compiler determines the type of b and e; // b denotes the first element and e denotes one past the last element in v auto b = v.begin(), e = v.end(); // b and e have the same type
*iter // Return a reference to the element denoted by the iterator iter iter->mem // Dereferences iter and fetches the member named mem from the // underlying element. Equivalent to the (*iter).mem ++iter // Refers to the next element in the container --iter // Refers to the previous element in the container
利用 begin() != end() 來確認不是空字串
string s("some string"); if (s.begin() != s.end()) { // make sure s is not empty auto it = s.begin(); // it denotes the first character in s *it = toupper(*it); // make that character uppercase }
Iterates through the elements in container
這裡用 string 示範,比較要注意的是常用的迴圈終止條件用的是 != end(),而非用往常的 < 。並不是所有 Iterator 都可以支援 < operator,剛好 vector 還有 string 支援而已。
// process characters in s until we run out of characters or we hit a whitespace for (auto it = s.begin(); it != s.end() && !isspace(*it); ++it) *it = toupper(*it); // capitalize the current character
如果想要精準宣告 Iterator 的 Type 的話。
vector<int>::iterator it; // it can read and write vector<int> elements string::iterator it2; // it2 can read and write characters in a string vector<int>::const_iterator it3; // it3 can read but not write elements string::const_iterator it4; // it4 can read but not write characters
Operations Supported by vector and string Iterators
上面有提到 vector 跟 string 的 iterator 有支援較多的 operator。
// The iterators must denote element in, or one past the end of, the same container iter + n // Adding (subtracting) an integral value n to (from) an iterator yields an iter - n // iterator that many elements forward (backward) within the container. iter1 += n // Compound-assignment for iterator addition. iter1 -= n // Compound-assignment for iterator subtraction. iter1 - iter2 // Subtracting two iterators yields the number that when added to the // right-hand iterator yields the left-hand iterator. >, <=, <, <= // Relational operators on iterators. One iterator is less than another if it // refers to an element that appears in the container before the referred to // by the other iterator.
取中間的 iterator
// compute an iterator to the element closest to the midpoint of vi auto mid = vi.begin() + vi.size() / 2;
binary search
// text must be sorted // beg and end will denote the range we're searching auto beg = text.begin(), end = text.end(); auto mid = text.begin() + (end - beg)/2; // original midpoint // while there are still elements to look at and we haven't yet found sought while (mid != end && *mid != sought) { if (sought < *mid) // is the element we want in the first half? end = mid; // if so, adjust the range to ignore the second half else // the element we want is in the second half beg = mid + 1; // start looking with the element just after mid mid = beg + (end - beg)/2; // new midpoint }
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