2022年10月9日 星期日

讀取 Linux file info (stat)

讀取 Linux 的檔案資訊

Linux 的檔案有很多資訊,即使只用到檔案大小也是很方便。


  • struct stat
    stat 的資料結構
        #include <sys/stat.h>
        struct stat {
            dev_t     st_dev;         /* ID of device containing file */
            ino_t     st_ino;         /* Inode number */
            mode_t    st_mode;        /* File type and mode */
            nlink_t   st_nlink;       /* Number of hard links */
            uid_t     st_uid;         /* User ID of owner */
            gid_t     st_gid;         /* Group ID of owner */
            dev_t     st_rdev;        /* Device ID (if special file) */
            off_t     st_size;        /* Total size, in bytes */
            blksize_t st_blksize;     /* Block size for filesystem I/O */
            blkcnt_t  st_blocks;      /* Number of 512B blocks allocated */
            /* Since Linux 2.6, the kernel supports nanosecond
                precision for the following timestamp fields.
                For the details before Linux 2.6, see NOTES. */
            struct timespec st_atim;  /* Time of last access */
            struct timespec st_mtim;  /* Time of last modification */
            struct timespec st_ctim;  /* Time of last status change */
            #define st_atime st_atim.tv_sec      /* Backward compatibility */
            #define st_mtime st_mtim.tv_sec
            #define st_ctime st_ctim.tv_sec
  • struct stat
    讀取檔案 (這裡讀 .gitignore)
        #include <stdio.h>    // for printf
        #include <time.h>     // for ctime
        #include <sys/stat.h>
        int main()
            struct stat st;
            // 0 success, -1 failed
            // error code: errno
            if(stat(".gitignore", &st) == -1){
                return -1;
            printf("I-node number:             %ld\n", (long) st.st_ino);
            printf("Mode:                      %lo (octal)\n", (unsigned long) st.st_mode);
            printf("Link count:                %ld\n", (long) st.st_nlink);
            printf("Ownership:                 UID=%ld   GID=%ld\n", (long) st.st_uid, (long) st.st_gid);
            printf("device containing file id: %ld\n", (long) st.st_dev);
            printf("device id:                 %ld\n", (long) st.st_rdev);
            printf("File size:                 %lld bytes\n", (long long) st.st_size);
            printf("Preferred I/O block size:  %ld bytes\n", (long) st.st_blksize);
            printf("Blocks allocated:          %lld\n", (long long) st.st_blocks);
            printf("Last status change:        %s", ctime(&st.st_ctime));
            printf("Last file access:          %s", ctime(&st.st_atime));
            printf("Last file modification:    %s", ctime(&st.st_mtime));
            return 0;
        I-node number:             20057552
        Mode:                      100664 (octal)
        Link count:                1
        Ownership:                 UID=1000   GID=1000
        device containing file id: 66306
        device id:                 0
        File size:                 16 bytes
        Preferred I/O block size:  4096 bytes
        Blocks allocated:          8
        Last status change:        Tue Mar 29 14:03:01 2022
        Last file access:          Sun Oct  9 19:02:52 2022
        Last file modification:    Thu Jun 17 10:20:57 2021
參考資料 :
1.Linux manual page

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