2021年6月11日 星期五

讀書心得 - C++ Primer (5th Edition) - Chapter 5 (3) - 常用詞彙


  • block
    Sequence of zero or more statements enclosed in curly braces. A block is a statement, so it can appear anywhere a statement is expected.
  • case label
    Constant expression that follows the keyword case inC++ Primer, Fifth Edition a switch statement. No two case labels in the same switch statement may have the same value.
  • catch clause
    The catch keyword, an exception declaration in parentheses, and a block of statements. The code inside a catch clause does whatever is necessary to handle an exception of the type defined in its exception declaration.
  • compound statement
    Synonym for block.
  • null statement
    An empty statement. Indicated by a single semicolon.
  • raise
    Often used as a synonym for throw. C++ programmers speak of “throwing” or “raising” an exception interchangeably.

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