簡單的 C++ 程式
要寫一個 C++ 程式跟 C 一樣,寫好 cpp 檔,交給編譯器 ( g++ ) 編成可執行程式。程式至少包含一個名為 main 的 function,用以當作程式的入口 function。 int main() {
return 0; // return 0 的原因為 0 通常代表著程式執行成功。
C++ 本身並沒有定義 I/O,需要額外的標準函式庫,iostream。 #include <iostream>
int main()
// operator << >> 會回傳左邊的 operand
// 以 std::cin >> v1 >> v2; 為例
// 執行結果 =
// std::cin >> v1;
// std::cin >> v2;
int v1, v2;
std::cout << "Enter two numbers:" << std::endl;
std::cin >> v1 >> v2;
std::cout << "The sum of " << v1 << " and " << v2 << " is " << v1 + v2 << std::endl;
return 0;
- std::endl : std::endl vs "\n"
prompt 提示 驅使
We can extend our main program to prompt the user to give us two numbers and then print their sum
expression (數學中的)式,表達式
The smallest unit of computation. An expression consists of one or more operands and usually one or more operators. Expressions are evaluated to produce a result. For example, assuming i and j are ints, then i + j is an expression and yields the sum of the two int values.
angle brackets : <>
quotation marks : ""
curly braces : {}
operator : 運算子
operand : 運算元
Obliterates an object’s current value and replaces that value by a new one.
comments : 註解
statement : wiki
The new part of this program is the while statement.A while has the form
while (condition)
A while executes by(alternately) testing the condition and executing the associated
statement until the condition is false.A condition is an expression that yields a result
that is either true or false..So long as condition is true, statement is executed.
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